Sincere repentance

Why I did this to my child, finally I realized the cause.

I started meditation at a local center with my daughter.

My daughter started first and I started about two months later.

The reason I started meditation was because I had too many conflicts with my daughter.

After meditation, my daughter's behavior to me had improved a lot since she started her practicing.

But I still hated seeing my child.

And I hated everything to the point where I couldn't control myself.

One day, my daughter went to the local center, she told them about my condition.

So from meditation local center, they asked my daughter to bring me to the center once.

So I went to the meditation center with the feeling of a parent who was going to be scolded at school.

That was how I started meditation.

And after completing the first course at a local center, the vacation started, so I went to the main center and did the second level.

While practicing, I got to see it from not my position but the point of view of the universe.

Finally, I found out what caused me to treat my child in that way.

And again, I came to know that it all came from my selfish mind.

So I came to know how much pain my child was suffering because of me.

And I came to know that I was harassing my daughter too much with the name Mother.

After knowing that, I really felt so sorry for my child.

I was sincerely repent.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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