My anger and annoyance

I realized that I was packaging myself as a nice and good person.

After practicing meditation, the biggest change was that the anger, annoyance, and worry that I had always had in my heart had disappeared.

When something upset me or hurt my heart, I pondered over and over again and I couldn't control my anger and sadness every time.

However, as I practiced meditation, I took out those memories and threw away my mind repeatedly.

As a result, I was able to calmly pass it on without any anger or annoyance.

Actually I heard a lot of good things from people around me.

I also thought that I was kinder and more considerate than other people.

But in fact, I wanted people around me to continue to see me as a kind and good person.

However, in order not to show bad feelings such as jealousy, hatred, and envy that I feel, in fact, I realized that I was wrapping myself.

During the short time of a week, I wanted to throw it away so much throughout my life, but I couldn't throw it away, and I got rid of the lump of heart that I suppressed and endured.

After that, I felt strange and unfamiliar with myself.

Now I was convinced that I could live my life differently than before.

I also wanted to say thanks to my mother who sent me to Meditation Center with my younger sister.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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