My fault

I used to think it was all the world's fault not me.

My first encounter with Meditation was through a local center.

Even though I was still young, I had many mental illnesses.

So I thought that I came to the main center without hesitation.

I had always lived with complaints, dissatisfaction, and a negative mind.

When I looked back on my life, I had always been the victim and had a difficult life.

And I thought it was all the world's fault not me.

But actually, the bad feelings I had at first created my delusions and these delusions continued to grow and grow as it created another delusion.

This was what had been bothering me.

Also, I thought that I was a special being, unlike a normal being.

So I always thought that I deserved affection, attention and love.

So I always made the people around me difficult.

When my expectations were not met enough, I was filled with disappointment.

So it was hard for me too.

I didn't see others for myself.

However, in a short time of one week at the main center, I felt and realized a lot.

I realized that I saw it as a means to satisfy my needs and that I had been living a really selfish life.

After completing first level of meditation, negative thoughts decreased from 95% to 10%.

I was really happy even though I had only completed the first course of meditation.

I wanted to live happily with the universe mind.

When I had finished the first course, I felt grateful for even everything that had made it difficult for me.

Thank you to the teachers who worked with us and to the classmates who studied with me.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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