My changed attitude

People around me were surprised by my changes.

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teacher who made this method.

After encountering meditation, I desperately felt that each and every person was really precious.

In the midst of such a busy time, I was really grateful to the people who were sharing this moment with me.

In fact, after meditation, the way I approached my life had changed a lot.

I realized the value of every moment and I had the strength to focus more on what I was doing.

Also, I got away from studying only my head and took action.

I thought that I had left a very positive impression on the people who saw me.

Even my acquaintances were quite surprised by my changed attitude and people wondered what the secret was.

It was nice to see my changed appearance.

Through this meditation method, I was able to instill positivity in the people around me.

So I would not stop here, do this practice to the end and achieve human completion.

Also, I would like to tell my classmates who studied with me that it was nice to be able to practice together.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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