For my life with no more regrets

I used to think that I had lived my life trying hard without doing much wrong.

Before I started meditating, I thought that I was not making a big mistake.

And I thought that I was trying my best to live in my own way as I wished.

But after I meditated a bit more and looked back on my life, I could feel that I was so selfish and not complete and there were a lot senses of inferiority.

And I felt like I was doing a lot of wrong things.

If I passed away like this, I thought that many regrets would remain in my heart.

So if I was completed and achieved a new life once more, I wanted to live while looking at the bright and good world as it is, to feel what happiness really is in it, and to live the life making true happiness.

For my life with no more regrets, I wanted to live well with my pure heart and universe mind as I felt the true feelings I had never felt before.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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