What people know

What people know

What people know is what they have selfishly stored in their minds from learning, seeing, and hearing in this self-centered world. 

Such is merely their subjective self-centered knowledge. 

This is why in a world of seven billion people there are seven billion different minds.

If we ask people why we live and where we go, they will answer as much as they have learned but not be able to give a definite answer.

Indeed, why do we live and where do we go? 

Those are the questions everyone is curious about but no one knows the answers to. 

The reason why man lives is to live forever, and those who live forever while living go to the living world, which is the kingdom of Truth.

What people know is what they have stored in their minds. 

When one has nothing in his mind and no longer has his body containing that mind, then Truth is revealed. 

Only when one is Truth will he truly know everything. 

To know everything is to be reborn in the kingdom of Truth and live there. 

One who knows everything is one who has become the living. 

Such a person accumulates his blessings in the kingdom of Truth by working in the kingdom of the living and saving the dead.

Humans do not know the nature of Truth because they do not have wisdom – God’s consciousness – within their self-centered mind. 

That is why there is no one with wisdom.

and I would like to share this video with you:


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