My four family members' true happiness and positivity

Meditation that brought true happiness and positivity to my four family members

Before Meditation, I was suffering from many bad fortunes

Our family members are all 4(my wife, son, daughter and me).

My daughter went to University in Seoul a year ago, so I worked hard and supported my daughter without lack of material things.

So far, I thought that I was living well and happily .

However, it was said that misfortunes happened all at once, in my case, it was last year.

My father also passed away in May of last year.

And just then, my daughter was also mentally exhausted and some really difficult things happened to me.

Suddenly problems hit me like a tsunami.

I had to figure out how to overcome this.

There was really no answer.

But after Meditation, I could recover myself more and more

After the misfortune hit me, a year went by.

My wife was in Level 4 and she said that she was so happy.

My daughter also took Level 1 and she also had improved a lot.

I also confirmed Level 1.

So I had a lot of positive thinking and I recognized that I would live really happily again.

I really appreciated it for the teachers.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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