Happy life to take good care of my mind

I want to live a happy life by taking good care of my mind.

There was a reason I came to the meditation center.

My husband and I often quarreled.

After he retired, we raised our voices more often because we spent a lot of time together.

And the words that hurt each other often came and went.

So I suffered from depression.

Then, I pointed out everything about my husband's actions and tone of voice and I nagged my husband a lot also.

As a result, I was upset every day.

Even when I tried to smile, my face, which had a lot of laughter, didn't come out. 

So my face was always contorted.

My husband's behavior at home changed completely different from outside when he left the house.

The appearance of such a husband was disgusting.

So I started living without talking to my husband.

Spending time like that made me feel so frustrated and hated.

I searched for meditation in order to live.

I also went to the meditation website through the Internet and remembered that my younger sister had practiced this meditation in the past.

So I called my younger sister and asked her and she said that she had meditated at the Main Center and it was very good. 

And she told me go there.

So I made a reservation online and went to Main Center to practice meditation for a week.

After practicing meditation, I liked the accommodation, meals, and the teachers.

Also, my feelings for each other are getting lighter. 

So the week that felt like a long time passed so quickly.

Therefore, I extended 4 more days because I wanted to practice a little more.

Through meditation, I felt more acutely that living with the burden of my heart was so hard and difficult.

So I decided that I would do my best to take good care of myself and live a happy life by the method of meditation.

Banani Meditation in Dhaka Bangladesh

And I would like to share this video with you:


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